Thursday, February 28, 2008

Easter Event Perspectives, continued

Exodus 2:1-10 tells the story of the birth of Moses. "The princess adopts the foundling, and calls it 'Moshe' saying, "From the water I took him (meshitihu)". That is an interpretation of the name which is not only a scandal to Egyptians and Egyptologists, but a profound degradatioon of a name which was borne by more than one of the proud 'sons" of the sun god (in Egyptian Moses means 'son') who sat on the throne of Pharaoh -- Kemose, Ahmose, Tutmose. Israel's redeemer is 'one taken from the water'. 'God assuredly brought forth Moses, the future redeemer of his people, as it were from the grave, to show that the beginning of the salvation of the Church is like a creation out of nothing' (Calvin). "W. Vischer, The Witness of the Old Testament to Christ, Vol. I, London, Lutterworth, 1949, page 167

1 comment:

David LaMotte said...

Nothing like a bit of etymology in the morning! ;-)